Tuesday, September 5, 2017

We did it!!  We survived the first day of school!  We actually had a great day!!  It was so nice to see everyone's smiling faces after the summer!!

After learning about our coat hooks and cubbies, we got to check out our new classroom.  We ahd lots of questions about how things work in first grade so we talked for a bit and then jumped right in.

We learned hand signals and the classroom rules to help make everything run smoothly in 1P!!  Ask your child to tell you about these.

By now, you have probably seen our Pencil Poem that we worked on today.  This poem helped us to check out our new pencil boxes.  We practiced writing our names in all of the different colors - I think the most a child did was 28 times!!

We had Physical Education with Ms. Cook this morning and read a few stories - First Day Jitters and The Night of the Veggie Monster.

After lunch and recess - we had the whole playground to ourselves today and for this whole week until kindergarten begins their full days.

In the afternoon, we did a writing activity, we had to finish the sentence "My favorite thing about recess is..." and add a colorful detailed picture.  They came out so nice that Mrs. P wants to hang them up in the hallway!!

Then we had Math Workshop where we spent time exploring 4 different math materials that we will be using this year in First Grade!

Then it was time to pack up and get ready to end our day!!  We already started earning extra  "Oh yeah"s  for our good behavior and awesome listening.  We also got a great report from Ms.K at lunch for having a clean and quiet table!!

Our year is off to a great start!  Come back often to check in on what we are up to.

Remember that First Graders can buy extras at lunch for $0.50.

I would love to post pictures of the kids from our days - please let me know if I have permission to use your child's photo on this site.

Thanks!!  Time to get ready for tomorrow!!

Mrs. P :)