Saturday, October 14, 2017

The end of a short but very busy week!!  We accomplished so much this week -

Some highlights -

 - Continued to work on our weather, temperature and seasonal patterns unit in Science
 - In Math - learned the Math Slide app, continued to work on games that help us work on combination that add up to numbers up to and including 10.  We are getting faster at knowing these combinations!
 - Setting goals for our daily independent reading and working hard to reach these goals!
 - Writing Assessment - wrote non-fiction books about Lions and Tigers after researching by reading a story and watching a video.  Also, continue to work on Narrative Writing.
 - Finished our study of Christopher Columbus

All this in only 4 days!  The students in 1P continue to work everyday on showing good character traits, such as - Being Kind, Hardworking, Thoughtful and Humble. 

Looking forward to our Non-fiction unit about Bats starting next week, as well as Learning the IXL Math with Mrs. Comer!

Homework on Monday will include a sheet to brainstorm writing topics for your child to use in class.  Please help them to choose Small Moments - for example, instead of choosing to write about a Family Vacation or a trip to the Amusement Park, help them to choose when they went into the freezing water or the most fun ride they went on.  These are the Small Moments we want to be writing about - the seeds from the Watermelon rather than the Big stories that are the Watermelon itself.

Snack Reminder - children have 10-15 minutes for snack each morning.  They have time to eat 1-2 small snacks.  Please do not send too much as the children will not have time to eat it.  Please save messy snacks for home as well, as we do not have a sink in our classroom.

As always, reach out by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns!

Mrs. P